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C Suite Sessions with Segmentify

Louise Arnold

CEO and founder of thinkTRIBE, Deri Jones, has joined forces with Andreas Pouros, CEO and founder of Greenlight Digital to co-chair a forum inviting C-Suite leaders to explore the biggest digital challenges of the day and to share their insights on navigating a rapidly changing business and commercial landscape.

In this episode, we are joined by Murat Co-Founder of Segmentify – who help unlock new levels of eCommerce growth through personalisation.

Discover what personalisation can do if implemented effectively, and the different levels of personalisation, and what they mean.

  1. What is personalisation

  2. Who owns personalisation in an organisation?

  3. What is the future structure of enterprises that embrace personalisation?

Fancy joining us for the next C-Suite Sessions? get in touch!

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