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Is your site suffering from hidden errors?

Louise Arnold

Take a moment and just picture a lake. Something from a glossy magazine; water as smooth as glass, reflecting the clear blue sky above. It’s serene and still. It’s perfect. And we all know it’s only part of the picture. Dip below the surface and there’s a whole new ecosystem to explore, hidden just out of sight to those standing on the shore and admiring the view.

What’s that saying? You don’t know what you don’t know. The ‘real’ picture isn’t always real. Sure, from the surface the lake might appear calm, but until you dip your toes in the water and dive into its depths, what do you really know about it? Is the lake as healthy as it looks, or are their monsters lurking in the deep?

Now, what about your website? Sure, it looks great, but what’s happening behind the scenes? Sometimes it’s easy to see when something isn’t right: there’s a tyre in the lake, your header image isn’t loading correctly… obvious things, usually with obvious solutions. It’s those lurking, hidden dangers that you need to worry about.

With website security and functionality being two significant influencers in building a long and trusting relationship with your customers, you can’t simply afford to present them with a pretty picture; they need to know everything is healthy under the surface.

It’s necessary housekeeping, and it’s just one of the benefits you get with thinkTRIBE’s Performance Audit. By undertaking an analysis of your site’s performance and using realistic end-to-end journeys to review functionality, site health and speed, thinkTRIBE then benchmark these metrics against your competitors. By flagging up the weaknesses in your website’s performance, you can lay the groundwork for improvement and seize opportunities for deeper long-term customer engagement.

Not only will you get the real picture, but you’ll now know all those things you didn’t know.

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