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Is your website ready for peak traffic on Black Friday?

Louise Arnold

It’s officially that time of year: the nights are long, and the weather is grim. Halloween might be behind us, the thrills and the scares put to the back of our minds as we move forward into the months of warm fires, hot chocolate, and mince pies.

There is still one potential fright ahead of us, though. Before stockings get filled and carrots set out for reindeer, there is one significant date in the calendar, one no online retailer can afford to overlook.

Black Friday. No longer confined to the megastores of modern America, the global retail holiday stands as one of the single most significant events in online shopping, and competition is fiercer than ever.

Black Friday and the following Cyber Monday set the stage for your Christmas market, for New Year Sales and new launches in the spring. The 2021 market for Black Friday weekend sales is estimated at £4.8 billion. With global spending trends still impacted by the COVID-19 economy, it’s a revenue pie every company is eager to take a slice of.

It’s probably a weekend your company has spent months preparing for. The campaigns are designed, your social channels are prepped, the warehouse is raring and ready to go. Your website probably looks excellent, carefully designed to entice loyal customers, and draw in new ones with amazing deals on your products.

But what’s happening behind the scenes? It won’t matter how great your offers are if your website isn’t ready to handle the increase in traffic. One minor flaw in web performance risks a frustrated customer, and a frustrated customer might be tempted away by your competitors.

If you’re not careful, your fabulous Friday festivities have the potential to become a Fright Fest.

With thinkTRIBE’s help, you can put that fear to rest. Our fully managed Web Performance service creates user journeys that are Dynamic in their nature, so rather than following a fixed path they will move across your site exactly as a real customer would. And our Load Testing service creates a real world load model – exposing all bottlenecks and performance issues. thinkTRIBE, therefore, highlights any issues long before they impact your business – giving your teams visibility of your online web performance along with actionable/meaningful data to resolve performance issues.

thinkTRIBE can help you manage your customer’s experience to better safeguard your brand values and optimise those Black Friday revenues.

Take control of your website, take control of Black Friday, and start the winter ready for anything.

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